Angell Pet dog food has been rebranded. We now sell our own range of dog, cat, small animal, ferret and fish foods under the brand name APL (TM). The food is exactly the same, just branded with a new logo.
The new Angell pet logo APL looks very similar to our old one but without reference to Angell Pet. The whole Angell Pet branding is designed to look familiar to our existing customers but to remove any confusion with any other suppliers products. We don’t want anymore unfortunate customers trying to deal with another company confusing us with them. Angell Pets prides itself on good customer service and the rebranding is designed to help with that.
To use up the stock with the old brand labels on we are putting them on offer at 10% off, whilst stocks last. Any bags of any of our own brand food with the new logo obscuring the old is yours for 10% off. However you will need to act fast to take advantage of the Angell Pet offer. Our own brand food is very popular normally so will not hang around long at discounted prices.
Visit Angell Pets to get your reduced price bag of Angell pet own brand dog, cat, ferret, small animal or pond fish food. Once the old labels are gone they are back to the old excellent low prices.