Exo Terra, one of the most popular brands in the trade and makers of some excellent products have reduced their prices. This came without any fanfare from the manufacturer or the wholesalers and is just another manifestation of the current “negative inflation” trend.
Over the last few months we have been able to reduce prices of a number of stock items as a result of negative inflation. These have included bird seed bulk sacks, small animal accessories etc. Also we have frozen prices on Royal Canin and other pet foods even though the manufacturers have put up their prices (we thought it unfair given the current downward trend in price). We are pleased we can now include a range of Exo Terra products in these reductions. We already had promotions on a number of Exo Terra products, including glass terrariums and the excellent turtle terrarium kit and we are now in the process of reviewing all the products and reducing prices where appropriate.
We are pleased we already reduced prices on a lot of Exo Terra products. I won’t include them all here, the range is too big but here are some examples of products that have dropped in price this week as well as some promotions we have on.
Exo Terra Solar Glo UVB basking lamp