Pet shop Gloucester SALE of up to 50% on selected lines whilst stocks last.
We have the following on offer in our pet shop Gloucester but only whilst stocks last. The SALE is to make way for new stock and we expect to sell out very soon at these prices so get into the shop quickly to make sure you get your bargain.
- Pet shop Gloucester Royal Canin offers. Royal Canin dog and cat food at up to 50% OFF. Examples are Royal Canin German Shepherd junior 12kg for ONLY £32.99 (£20 OFF), Royal Canin Cat Sterilised 7+ £6.40 (HALF PRICE) and many more.
- Pet shop Gloucester James Wellbeloved offers. James Wellbeloved dog and cat at up to 50% OFF. Examples are James Wellbeloved puppy 2kg (all flavours) £4.50 (or less for some flavours) thats HALF PRICE. James Wellbeloved adult dog fish 7.5kg for £13.99, HALF PRICE and James Wellbeloved cat adult duck 225g at 99p, thats LESS than HALF PRICE, plus more.
- Pet shop Gloucester dog toy offers. All GI dog toys at HALF PRICE. All K9 Commando latex dog toys at HALF PRICE.
- Pet shop Gloucester puppy wee wee training maid at LESS than HALF PRICE only £19.99 (£48.99 elsewhere on the internet).
- Pet shop Gloucester dog treat offer. All Feelwells treats at HALF PRICE.
- Pet shop Gloucester small glass vivarium offer. We have two small glass vivaria on offer at £35 and £39 each. One top opening (Komodo), one top and front opening (Lucky Reptile).
- Pet shop Gloucester deals. We have loads of other offers and package deals in store waiting for you but only whilst stocks last.
Since starting to write this pet shop Gloucester post these items have been selling very quickly so get in quick! Don’t forget to register for your 10% discount first
The Angell Pets Team