Tropical fish and cold water fish new stock

Tropical fish and coldwater fish stock list. Following the arrival of lots of new stock last week we have updated our stocklist. This is what we have in stock currently. New tropical fish have been quarantined and are now available.


Blind Cave Characin

Neon Tetra

Black Neon Tetra

Lemon Tetra

Serpae Tetra


Harlequin Rasbora

Emerald Eye Rasbora


Red Tiger Skin Oscar

Ghost Angelfish

Electric Yellow Cichlid

Electric Blue Ram


Sky Blue Dwarf Gourami

Danios and Minnows

Leopard Danio

Pearl Danio

Zebra Danio

Gold Zebra Danio

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

Albino White Cloud Mountain Minnow


Julii Corydora

Peppered Corydora


Silver Mollies

Black Lyre Tailed Mollies


Blue Mickey Mouse Platy

Bumble Bee Platy

Parrot Platy


Gold Sucking Loach

Borneo Sucking Loach

Zebra Loach

Clown Loach


Golden Barb


Assorted Male Guppies

Assorted Female Guppies

Pencil Fish

Dwarf Pencil Fish


Bristlenose Plec

Bulldog Plec


Albino Rainbow Shark

Cold Water Fish

Red and White Fantail

Calico Fantail

Ghost Fantail

Butterfly Oranda


Elodea Densa

Aponogeton ulvaceus bulb

Red Ludwigia

Red Dracaena

Green Bacoba

Java Fern

Lily bulb

Assorted pants on bogwood





Easy-Tie Now In Stock

Easy-Tie, the new easy to use tie system to safely secure your dog whilst out on a walk is now in stock at Angell Pets.

Avaiable in two sizes, Easy-Tie removes the need to remove your dog’s lead and use it to tie up your dog to a post, railing etc. This reduces the risk of accidents as you secure your dog and excessive wear on your lead. Works with all leads, including extending ones. In fact it is the best way to secure a dog whilst using an extendable lead.


The Easy-Tie is a clever, Patent Pending functional accessory. It allows you to Safely, Easily & Quickly secure your dog to a café table, railing, post etc, without taking the lead off the collar.

Dogs often see the releasing of their lead as permission to roam freely (some with haste). This is bad news if you’re in a public area or by a roadside. The Easy-Tie keeps your dog safe, reduces the hassle when securing them, and is about 10 times quicker than the ‘Old Way’. In short, the Easy-Tie helps you to stay in control of your dog!


Easy-Tie - How To UseSimply click the Easy-Tie to a café table, railing, post or any other narrow object. Alternatively, you can wrap your lead around a small tree or lamppost, and back on to the lead to create a lock. Features a red lock button for added security.Easy-Tie - How To Use


Easy-Tie is suitable for all dogs, from small pups to the largest breeds.

It has been rigorously tested to the highest of standards and is available for dogs up to 48kg. Whether you quickly pop into a shop, or lounge at your favourite cafe/beer garden, the Easy-Tie offers less hassle, increased safety & speed for when you need to secure your dog.

Many of our customers also tell us that the Easy-Tie is great as a control mechanism for their exciteable puppies (as well as some exciteable adult dogs).

Easy-Tie is now avaialable in our webstore

CLICK HERE to see a video of Easy-Tie in action.

The Angell Pets Team


Angell Pets Bank Holiday Opening Hours

Angell Pets are OPEN all over the bank holiday as usual

Opening hours are as follows:-

Sunday 10am – 4pm

Monday 10am – 4pm

Angell Pets

Angell Pets

Back to normal Angell Pets opening hours from Tuesday (9am – 6pm Mon – Sat, 10am – 4pm Sunday)


Hope to see you over the bank holiday at Angell Pets or on line at


Angell Pets May Offers

Angell Pets discounts for May are now available in store and online at

For details of the range of offers click below.

Best Pets May

Angell Pets

To purchase any of the offers from Angell Pets click on the relevant link below.

Burgess Sensitive




Hills feline mature

Hills feline adult

Bob Martin dog dewormer


Tetra pond

Pointer dental sticks


Arden Grange adult cat

Arden Grange kitten

Don’t forget, Angell Pets delivery is FREE locally to Gloucester and FREE for over £100 anywhere in the UK.


The Angell Pets Team