Wild Bird Food Cheaper at Independant Local Store

We wondered why we keep selling out of dried mealworms and other wild bird food so we had a look about. We couldn’t believe the prices other shops are charging. PAH are charging over twice as much as us for 500g bags of dried mealworms! How a large company like that, with much better buying power than little old us can justify it is beyond me. Anyway, here are some examples of price comparisons. Please note; these are not special offers or discounted lines, just our regular prices.

Dried Mealworms 100g Angell Pets £1.79 PAH £3.50 RSPB £3.99 Country Wide £3.99

Dried Mealworms 500g Angell Pest £7.49 PAH £15.50 RSPB £13.99

Wild Bird Seed 20kg Angell Pest £12.99 Jolleys £14.99 PAH £14.00 (We also bag it up into 1kg bags for 99p each)

Peanuts 1kg Angell Pest £2.49 PAH £4.25 RSPB £4.44 Country Wide £3.25

Sunflower Seed Black 1kg Angell Pets £1.75

Sunflower Hearts 20kg Angell Pets £32.99 (£1.65/kg) Jolleys £39.99 (£2.00/kg). We also sell 1kg bags for £1.99

Nyger seed 1kg Angell Pets £2.19 PAH £3.50 Country Wide £3.99

Fat balls no net 6 pack Angell Pets £1.29 PAH £2.00

Suet Pellets 550g Angell Pets £1.99 Jolleys £2.50 PAH £3.00

Not quite sure why anyone would drive all the way out to these facelss chainstores when you can get it cheaper in an independant local shop, the power of multi million pound advertising campaigns I suppose and I guess there is the reason for the hicked prices.


The Angell Pets Team





We are getting rid of plastic bags!

Plastic carrier bags are going from Angell Pets very soon so we can do our bit to reduce the amount of plastic finding its way into the environment.

paper bags

We have been trying to figure out how to reduce the use of plastic bags in our shop for a while now. There are only two effective ways to do this:-

1) To charge for the bags to encourage customers to bring their own re-usable bags or

2) Get rid of them completely and try an alternative.

We have chosen to go with option number 2, although this will actually cost us more! Once our current stock of plastic bags has run out we will not be getting any more in.

paper bag and plastic bag comparison

We didn’t want to start charging for bags as this would cause disagreements at the till, with some customers not wanting to pay as it is not yet law for small shops and in any event we would still be giving out the plastic bags.

Instead will be providing small paper bags (one per transaction). Paper bags actually cost us quite a lot more. For example a decent paper bag (shown) costs us around 8-9p each, where as the same size plastic bag costs us 1-2p. However the paper bags we can provide are not very large so we are asking customers to help us reduce non recycleable waste by bringing your own “bag for life” just like you would do at the super market.

We still have a small stock of plastic bags to use up (may as well get a use out of them; if we hand them out or throw them in the bin they are still going to end up in land fill).

For the time being our 1kg bagged up food will still be in polythene bags until we can find a suitable alternative. We are trialing something but it may take a few goes to get the right product.The product we got in to try this week won’t really work so we will use them for frozen rats and mice instead.

The Angell Pets Team


Angell Pets May Offers

May’s special offers are in store. Lots of great offers making our prices even keener. We are already better than Pets at Home and Jolley’s before the offers on a lot of products.

iams cat fish

Iams Cat Fish 3kg ONLY £9.99 RRP £16.49

Chewdles Mini Bonibix

Chewdles Mini Bonibix 1.5KG ONLY £3.49 RRP £4.99

Chewdles Gravy Bone

Chewdles Gravy Bones 1.5kg ONLY £3.49 RRP £4.99

Latex Face Balls

Latex Face Balls Single ONLY £0.99 RRP £2.09

Burgess Excel Rat Nuggets

Burgess Excel Rat Nuggets 1.5kg ONLY £3.99 RRP £5.49


Omega Tasty Chicken

Omega Tasty Chicken 15kg ONLY £15.99 RRP £20.99

Omega Tasty Original

Omega Tasty Original 15kg ONLY £15.99 RRP £20.99

Winalot Shapes

Winalot Shapes 1.8kg ONLY £2.49 RRP £3.69

Barking Heads Puppy Days

Barking Heads Puppy Days 2kg ONLY £8.99 RRP £12.99

Animals Dreams Woolly Bedding

Animals Dreams Woolly Bedding 2 FOR £1.00 RRP 99

Ancol Travel Harness

Ancol Travel Harness Medium Black ONLY £10.99 RRP £17.06

Ancol Travel Harness Large Black ONLY £11.99 RRP £18.74


Dentastix Small Dog 28 Stick ONLY £5.49 RRP £7.38

Dentastix Medium Dog 28 Stick ONLY £5.49 RRP £8.54

Dentastix Large Dog 28 Stick ONLY £5.49 RRP £9.79

Dreamies Chicken Tub

Dreamies Chicken Tub 350g ONLY £3.99 RRP £5.80

Dreamies Cheese Tub

Dreamies Cheese Tub 350g ONLY £3.99 RRP £5.80

BM Spot On Cat 3 Treatment

BM Spot On Cat 3 Treatment ONLY £8.99 RRP £12.25

BM Spot On Cat 1 Treatment

BM Spot On Cat 1 Treatment ONLY £3.79 RRP £5.10

Wagg Sensitive Treats

Wagg Tasty BonesWagg Tasty Chunks

Wagg Sensitve Treats, Wagg Tasty Bones, Wagg Tasty Chunks 2 for £1.50 RRP £1.09

The Angell Pets Team