Angell Pets October offers.

Offers this month again include some supermarket brands like Bakers and Pedigree at below supermarket prices. There are also some decent brands amongst the offers as well, such as Burns original at £19.99 for 7.5kg, Hills hairball at £9.99 for 1.5kg etc.

Click on the link to have a look at some of what’s on offer this month. More discounts to follow in our webstore.

Best pets October

Grab you offers whilst you can as they do sell through rapidly.



The Angell Pets Team

Angell Pet new member of staff

Angell Pet has being going from strength to strength over the last four years. thanks to our loyal customers the business has continued to grow year on year. Obviously the work load has also been increasing. On top of this our Angell Pet apprentice finished last year and George is away for 12 months in the Indian ocean. So all this extra work, as well as the new website has been landing on yours truly.

I am pleased to announce that Angell Pet has a new member of staff starting tomorrow. My wife, Kim, who has been working in education, decided to take voluntary redundancy and was due to leave and come and work for us in December. She has noticed that the Angell Pet business has been taking up all of my time and so has managed to get the date bought forward and left her employment today.

Angell Pet will be benefitting from Kim’s retail experience starting tomorrow. This move will allow me to concentrate more on building the Angell Pet business further, focus on getting all of our existing range onto the website (we only have about 50% oi our extensive stock on the system so far) and expanding our range further. I can also look at offering some of our popular Angell Pet discounts on a more regular basis. I have noticed that this has slipped recently and this is entirel down to lack of time.

angell pet website


So, hopefully no more past midnight sessions on the computer putting on stock, doing accounts or ordering, or writing blogs on special offers or animal care articles (although I notice it is now 23:30 – maybe next week then!). That’s what the change means for me. For our Angell Pet customers it will mean more regular offers, more new items and innovations and a slicker more effective website.

So welcome to Kim as a full member of the team, I am looking forward to taking the Angell Pet business on to the next level with her help.


Richard Angell and the new bigger Angell Pet team.

Royal Canin online discount – 20% OFF

Royal Canin dog and cat food are 20% off until the end of September on our new website.

To celebrate the launch of the new online shop we will be offering a range of discounts over the next few weeks.

All Royal Canin dry cat and dog food are on offer at a huge 20% discount to our new online customers.

Royal Canin outdoor 30 cat 4kg was £29.79 now only £23.83

Royal Canin Maine Coon cat 2kg was £20.39 now only £16.31.

Royal Canin mini mature +8 8kg was £38.99 now only £31.19

Royal Canin maxi mature +5 4kg was £21.49 now only £17.19

+ many more Royal Canin dog and cat food offers.

Royal Canin discount


So visit our new online pet shop to grab a Royal Canin bargain.

The Angell Pets Team



Discount dog and cat food

We have some superb discount dog and cat food this month. Up to 50% off top brands.

Orinjen cat food 2.5kg – the best in the world. Was £23.49 now 1/2 price.

Royal Canin Yorkshire terrier food 1.5kg. Was £10.79 now 1/2 price.

Royal Canin light cat food 400g. Was £3.99 now 1/2 price.

Royal Canin Siamese cat food 2kg. Was £19.59 now 1/2 price.

Skinners Field and Trial puppy 2.5kg. Was £7.45 now 1/2 price.

Whiskas Dentabits cat treats 50g. Was £1.38 now 1/2 price.

Also we have some other discount dog food still on:

Royal Canin mini mature 8+ 8kg £29.99 (normal price £36.99).

Hills puppy large breed kg £10 off (normal price £44.95)

All of these discount cat and dog foods are whilst stocks last so do get in quick to pick up a bargain


The Angell Pets Team

Pet shop Gloucester loyalty scheme relaunched

Pet shop Gloucester loyalty scheme has been relaunched today. We have updated to a new plastic scan card that integrates directly with our new Epos system and will be usuable with our new website when in launches in the next couple of weeks.

No more waiting at the till for me to find the card stamp and marker pen, just a quick scan and the points will be added to your account automatically. Register when you use the pet shop Gloucester website and points are added. The vouchers (automatically generated when points have accrued) can also be used on the website but more on that when it is launched.

There are some changes to the way points build up from the old pet shop Gloucester scheme. Spend  £1 and you get a point, each £1 spent gets another point (on the old scheme you didn’t get any points until you spent£10 and then no more until you spent £40 and then that was it). When you accrue 200 points you get a £5 voucher. Compare that to supermarket schemes!

Hopefully the changes will better reward the most loyal of our customers (it is a loyalty scheme after all) who have supported our pet shop Gloucester business as it has grown, as well as offering something to our more occassional customers.

pet shop gloucester

Pet Shop Gloucester Loyalty Cards Go Plastic


Ask for your pet shop Gloucester loyalty card next time you are in the shop. We’ll pop you on the system and you can start building up your points straight away. if you have recently purchased an animal from us or have free local delivery of your bulkier items you will already be on there so it is even quicker. Just find your name, a quick scan and we’re done.

If you telephone order into our pet shop Gloucester, don’t worry. As your name is on the system it will be totting up your points each time you order from us. We’ll just bring your vouchers with your order when you have acdcrued the necessary points and next time you order you can read out your voucher number and get a discount to that value. Of course you don’t have to use it next time. You can save your vouchers up and use them at Christmas if you want.

If you haven’t already done it, don’t forget to register on our pet shop Gloucester email subscribers list to get regular updates on our offers and discounts and information on a whole range of pet species and pet topics. You receive a 10% discount to use in our pet shop Gloucester just for signing up and yes, it can be used in conjunction with other offers!

If you have an old pet shop Gloucester loyalty card with a few points on it, don’t worry. You can redeem it now and we will pro rata the points. A full card is a £5 voucher so we will give you a voucher worth 63 pence per point off your next purchase when you redeem it up to the end of August 2013.


The Angell Pets Team

Ferret kits now in stock

pet shop gloucester ferretFerret kits from our own Angell Pets breeding stock are now in store. I went over to our breeding centre last night and collected hob and jill kits which are now safely housed in store.


I also brought back Vinny (grandad) to house at home. What a journey that was. He is in full breeding condition and not the best passenger to have in the van (aircon off – windows fully open – he stinks!)

Anyway we have seven hobs ferrets and five jills available for sale. We will be working on the last stages of hand taming and litter training over the next couple of days.

Prices are the same as last year, £25 for a hob and £30 for a jill ferret. This is below trade price (to buy them in from one of our suppliers would cost me £40 each!!!). Our ferrets are always extremely popular and as we have not had the best of breeding seasons so far this year these little beauties will not be around for long. So if you have been waitng for one of our ferrets get in quick. We currently have polecat, silver mitt, sandy mitt and albinos.

Before considering buying a ferret please factor in the cost of neutering. Male ferrets smell very strongly in breeding condition and are at risk of prostate problems. Females MUST be mated to take them out of season (or be given expensive jill jabs) or they will get very ill or die. We recommend all ferrets bought from us are neutered and vaccinated for canine distemper..

The Angell Pets Team

Wimbledon final offer

I watched the Murray semi final last night, couldn’t believe it when they gave in to pressure to close the roof. Fortunately it didn’t matter and he made it into the final.

So to celebrate I have marked down packs of four tennis balls by 31% (why 31%? It just happens to make the price £1.99, that’s all).

pet shop gloucester tennis

New Balls Please

The Wimbledon final offer is on until the end of July, or whilst stocks last, so get you “New Balls” whilst you can..

The Angell Pets Team.


Pet shop Gloucester July offers

Pet shop Gloucester summer offers in store now. Pop in to our pet shop Gloucester to get one of these fantastic bargains, many at below supermarket prices.

Pet shop Gloucester offers July 2013

pet shop gloucesterKeep up to date with all our offers and register on our pet shop Gloucester email list and get an extra 10% discount.

The Angell Pets Team

ProTect reptile cleaning range introductory offer

ProTect reptile cleansing products are one of the best ranges of products on the market for disinfecting reptile enclosures, equipment and hands.

Reptiles (like all animals) can carry disease causing organisms (bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic organisms like cryptosporidium). Good hygiene is essential to keep you and your family safe.As said all animals can carry most of these organisms (remember the fuss over salmonella in poultry in the 1980’s) but reptiles seem to draw all the negative attention. A good regime and good quality product will ensure they do not pose a risk to human health.

pet shop gloucester


A lot of cleaning products on the market however are not safe to use with reptiles. Phenolic compounds are toxic and can kill the animal. Some specialist reptile products only kill a limited range of pathogenic organisms. ProTect products are effective against all the commonly carried bacteria, viruses and disease casing organisms, so protect against diseases such as salmonellosis, cryptosporidiosis, e-coli infection etc.

We have the products on offer at 10% off all this week as an introduction to the range.

As an added bonus you can get 20% off if you buy all four ProTect items in the range. So not only will you be keeping your reptile and family safe, you can be doing it at a nice discount too.

The Angell Pets Team

Arcadia Euro Range 10% UVB amazing 40% discount this weekend only

Arcadia offer this weekend only. We have struck a deal with our Arcadia supplier and are able to offer a huge 40% saving this weekend on Arcadia Euro Range 10% UVB reptile tubes.

This offer is whilst stocks last for this weekend only. Come into the shop and grab a bargain whilst they last.

Reptile UVB fluorescent lamps of any make last from 6 to 9 months before they begin to stop giving out UVB (the lamp will still illuminate but not in the UVB spectrum). They need to be changed to ensure the continued good health of your reptile. Now is your chance to grab a bargain Arcadia lamp ready for the next time you have to change your reptiles UVB tube.

At 40% off Arcadia’s popular Euro Range, we are not expecting stocks to last long so get in this weekend in order not to miss out.

Did you not see this Arcadia promotion until it was too late? Sign up to our email list and get another 10% off any purchase so you don’t miss out again.


The Angell Pets Team.