Pet shop Gloucester offer

Pet shop Gloucester offer on Orijen and Acana 400g bags. We are selling 400g bags of Orijen and Acana dog and cat foods at 50% off marked price.

Champion Pet foods are stopping making 400g bags of Orijen. We still have some on the shelves in our pet shop Gloucester and would like to clear the space quickly for new stock of other products (we are always looking to increase our pet shop Gloucester range). So we are marking down the price by 50%.

pet shop gloucester

This gives you and excellent chance to try out this superb food at a bargain price. I use this food myself for my staffie lurcher cross, Venus and my Cretan hound, Raki. So I can vouch for its qualities personally (well almost, they eat, it not me!). They both have superb coat, are in prime condition physically and as an added bonus produce much less waste than they would if they were being fed a food with lots of grain filler (most foods on the market).

Click the link below for a fuller explanation of the qualities of good dog food on our pet shop Gloucester You Tube channel. The “good” example used in the video is Orijen. I won’t say what the “bad” example is. Anyone who has heard me talk about it will know which food I think is the worst rubbish on the market. We only stock it in our pet shop Gloucester so I can ask people why they want to buy it!

So take this opportunity to give it a try and see what you think. If you are an existing pet shop Gloucester customer buying 2.5kg or 7kg bags it is actually cheaper at this price to get the 400g bags!


The Angell Pets Team

Angell Pet dog food offer (and cat)

Angell Pet dog food has been rebranded. We now sell our own range of dog, cat, small animal, ferret and fish foods under the brand name APL (TM). The food is exactly the same, just branded with a new logo.

The new Angell pet logo APL looks very similar to our old one but without reference to Angell Pet. The whole Angell Pet branding is designed to look familiar to our existing customers but to remove any confusion with any other suppliers products. We don’t want anymore unfortunate customers trying to deal with another company confusing us with them. Angell Pets prides itself on good customer service and the rebranding is designed to help with that.

Angell Pet dog food

New APL branding

To use up the stock with the old brand labels on we are putting them on offer at 10% off, whilst stocks last. Any bags of any of our own brand food with the new logo obscuring the old is yours for 10% off. However you will need to act fast to take advantage of the Angell Pet offer. Our own brand food is very popular normally so will not hang around long at discounted prices.

Angell Pet dog food

10% off

Visit Angell Pets to get your reduced price bag of Angell pet own brand dog, cat, ferret, small animal or pond fish food. Once the old labels are gone they are back to the old excellent low prices.


FREE Acana

FREE Acana dog food for the first pet shop Gloucester custmoers that ask for it in store.

We have had a few 340g bags of Acana dog food given us by the Orijen and Acana rep. We are giving these free to the first customers to come in and ask us for one (one per customer). We only have seven bags so you will need to be quick. This is a top quality food and is very popular so I can’t see them being around for long.

pet shop Gloucester offer

Now’s your chance to give the natural diet concept a try without any risk. It really is the best way to feed your dog as it is as close as you can get to a natural diet, in a bag. Unlike most foods on the market this is not loaded with grain (a carboydrate source you dog doesn’t need) as a cheap filler. The result is you feed less, feed better and have less mess to clear up. Happy days.

See you in the shop soon and don’t forget to ask for your FREE bag of Acana.


The Angell Pets Team.

Pet shop Gloucester February offers

A little bit late getting our pet shop Gloucester offers out this month. It’s a good list this month as well.

Click the link below to see our wholesalers fantastic offers. A lot of these are items that our customers buy regularly so will help keep down those bills.

Best Pets February

Register for our pet shop Gloucester discounts and receive regular updates on offers and handing information on animal care.

pet shop Gloucester

The Angell Pets team

Pet Shop Gloucester now stocks Canagan dog food

Pet shop Gloucester  We have stocked what is in our opinion the best dog food available, Orijen (and Acana) for several years now.

We still hold that this is the best quality food you can feed you dog (and cat) without the mess, hassle and cost of feeding a raw BARF diet. However we have suffered some serious supply issues over the last four or five months that still have yet to be resolved. This has led to us being out of stock in our pet shop Gloucester of one or two items when our customers needed them. This si not a situation we could allow to continue. On top of this we have also been informed of a significant price increase from the manufacturers. This has been blamed on rising costs of ingredient but interestingly coincides with the inclusion in the new recipe of cheaper ingredients (offal). Again we feel, as a responsible supplier, that we must do something to offer our customers a choice. Do they continue with Orijen and Acana and risk further or future supply issues (the food comes from Canada and is shipped over in containers, with all the potential for something to go wrong) or switch to a British made food.

pet shop Gloucester, Orijen

We have been searching for an alternative British product of the same quality. Unfortunately this does not exist. There is not a manufacturer in the UK capable of making food to the exacting standards of Orijen with the same top quality ingredients. however there is now a UK made (and mainly sourced) food that comes very close.

We now stock Canagan dog food in our pet shop Gloucester. This is a freshly prepared food (Orinen is made from 50% fresh ingredients) that is similar in quality and ingredients. It is 60/40% meat to vegetables (the same as Acana) whereas Orijen is 80/20% so it should suit those dogs that Orijen was just too rich for. It is also less expensive than the new priced Orijen. As a comparison Orijen (at the new price soon to come into force) will be £5.31/kg whereas the equivalent Canagan will be £4.49 (this is after their most recent price increase that comes into force today).

Pet Shop Gloucester, Canagan

Canagan is UK manufactured and the vast majority of the ingredients are UK sourced (all the meat). We stock a full range of sizes and flavours in our pet shop Gloucester. If you wish to feed your dog a good quality (not like the cheap copies – another one of which I have just been offered as I sit and write this), grain free, natural diet but cannot afford the latest price increase from Orijen and Acana or risk intermittent supplies then Canagan is the food for you. We also have some special introductory offers available to anyone trying it for the first time (£5 and £10 vouchers)

We will of course continue to stock Orijen and Acana in our pet shop Gloucester, they remain the very best quality foods on offer anywhere.


The Angell Pets Team

Last few bags of this months pet shop Gloucester offers

Last few bags of this months pet shop Gloucester dog/cat food offers left.

Get them whilst we still have a few in stock. Once they are gone they are gone.

pet shop Gloucester

Pedigree vital protection adult 15kg £18.99 (pets at home price £25.49) Bakers adult complete 15kg £18.99 (pets at home price 2 for £40), Omega Tasty 15kg £13.99 ( price £16.36 plus delivery), Iams cat 3kg £9.99 (Asda price £14)

Don’t forget if you live near our pet shop Gloucester this comes with FREE delivery.

The Angell Pets Team

Pet Shop Gloucester January Offers

We have some really great pet shop Gloucester offers from Best Pets this month.

Some of our most popular lines are at fantastic prices. Click the link below for the offers.

Best Pets January

 See you in our pet shop Gloucester soon and a happy new year

Pet shop Gloucester

The Angell Pets Team

Pet shop Gloucester care sheet – goldfish

Pet shop Gloucester advice series, how to look after goldfish

Goldfish are generally  rated as one of the easiest fish to keep. However there are basic requirements for all fish that must be provided for the fish to remain healthy. Goldfish come in a wide variety of colours and shapes. Whilst most are capable of being mixed as they have similar water quality requirements, not all should be mixed. Mixing normal or comet types with fancy fantails for instance can result in the fins of the fancy fish being attacked. Fancies and fantails with thier long flowing fins and tails tend to be slower moving than the “normal” types and cannot get away from boisterous tank mates.

pet shop gloucester goldfish

A fish tank is a sealed system. With the exception of perhaps oxygen and carbon dioxide, which can enter and leave the system at the surface of the water, anything you put into the tank stays in the tank and nothing can get in unless you put it in. Put food in and you have added energy and nitrogenous waste (from the protein in the food). So the fish will grow (and so may plants) and the waste will build up. In a natural system such as a river or lake, this waste is washed away and broken down (recycled and reused by other organisms). In a tank it cannot go anywhere and you have to establish and maintain the natural waste disposal mechanisms to deal with it.

Solid waste will build up in the gravel or sand and in the filter. Left alone a sludge would eventually build up and begin to rot, releasing toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). To prevent this is easy. Simply stir up the gravel at each partial water change (more on that later) or better still, buy a gravel cleaner that cleans the gravel as you remove water for the water change. Every second water change rinse the filter element in the water you have taken out to remove the solids. Do not rinse under the tap. This will kill all your lovely beneficial bacteria and you don’t want that. Some filters also contain carbon. This does become saturated and will need replacing periodically. The same is true if there is a nitrate removal sponge. Leaving this in for too long will seriously effect water quality.

Dissolved nitrogenous waste is released into the water by the fish in the form of ammonia. Ammonia is highly toxic to fish so it has to be removed. Bacteria that eat the ammonia live on the surface of the gravel and in the filter medium. They break it down into nitrite, which is less toxic and then into nitrate (much less toxic). Nitrate is plant fertiliser. If you do not remove this then your tank will suffer from excessive algae growth. For this reason and those already given you should carry out a partial water change (remove some of the water and replace it with fresh, i.e. treated if using tap water) every couple of weeks as a minimum. How frequently you need do this depends on a number of factors, size of tank, size of filter, number of fish, presence of plants etc. but for an established, reasonable sized, not overstocked tank every couple of weeks should be sufficient.

Having an efficient filter (internal or external) will significantly improve the quality of the water (and reduce frequency of partial water changes to a degree) and improve oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange rates at the surface of the water (by the rippling effect of the outlet of the filter). We do not sell goldfish bowls or recommend tanks without some form of filtration. It is possible to do without but it significantly increases the amount cleaning and water changes you will need to do and with the best will in the world people let it slip. In the end the fish suffers so we choose not to sell them.

pet shop gloucester external filter

There are three main ways of adding filtration. Under gravel, using an air pump to drive water down through the gravel and up and over a tube, internal cartridge or element, probably the commonest form in small tanks and external cartridge or element,  more usual in larger tanks. All work well and have their own benefits and drawbacks which we will not go into here. Any can be used with goldfish.

Before putting goldfish into a new tank it needs time to mature. A week is normally sufficient. This is to allow the natural systems to establish before being presented with waste to dispose of. The process of maturation can be accelerated by the addition of the necessary bacteria in a liquid form. Fish should then be added gradually over a period of weeks to enable the bacterial cultures to grow with the increased waste load.

Pet shop gloucester safewater

Plants make an attractive addition to the tank and can also help use up nitrogenous waste but they are not essential. Fish do like to hide among them and eat some kinds but artificial plants can be used. Ornaments are at your discretion, they can provide hideaways for nervous new fish but again are not essential.

Lighting is also not essential but does bring out the colours of the fish. If using real plants then the lighting is needed to encourage plant growth. Leaving the light on for too long can stimulate algal growth on the glass, gravel and any ornaments and plants though.

We wouldn’t recommend less than a 25 litre tank for goldfish. With regard to the number of fish there is no hard and fast rule but generally it is the surface area of the tank that dictates how many fish it can hold, rather than just the volume of water (larger surface area = higher oxygen exchange rate) so a shallower wide tank will hold more than a  deep narrow tank.

pet shop gloucester aqua 40

Goldfish are omnivores and eat a variety of food stuff. A good flake or pellet food is normally sufficient to provide all the necessary nutrients.

Goldfish are quite hardy. All goldfish are fish farm bred nowadays and can tolerate a wide range of waters. Tap water in this region is medium to medium hard and pH (a measure of the hydrogen ion content of the water) is well buffered (resistant to change)at around 7.4 – 7.6. This is suitable for all modern goldfish and further treatment for pH and hardness is not normally required. Note that if water quality is not made a priority and the tank is not regularly cleaned pH can rise to high levels and effect the health of the fish over time. As long as you do not neglect your routine water changes this will not happen. However chlorine and chloramines are present in the water to keep it safe for us to drink and these need to be remove before being used with fish. Standing tap water for 24 hours will remove the free chlorine but will not remove the chloramines. You must use a chemical (Tapsafe, Aquasafe, Safeguard etc.) to remove these toxic chemicals (toxic to the fish – not you) BEFORE using the water.

pet shop gloucester safeguard

Avoid using real rocks unless purchased for the purpose from a reputable aquarist shop. Some rocks will significantly change the water quality to the detriment of the fish (limestone for example). Fake rocks are resin based and will not effect water quality.

After you have bought your tank, set it up, let it mature for at least a week, you can add your fish. Don’t add more than one or two at a time. Check the fish in the shop for any obvious signs of disease such as a swollen body, damaged eyes or fins, sores, excreta stuck to the fish in a long line etc. The shop should carry out these basic checks in front of you and tick off each element of the inspection. When you get home, put the bag with the fish in into your tank (remember to remove some water first or you will have an overspill!) and leave it for about 15 minutes. This is for the temperature in the bag to equalize with that of the tank to avoid temperature shocking the fish (which can be fatal). Then remove the fish from the bag and put it in the tank. Do not bother to try to “acclimatise” the fish to the water chemistry by  making holes in the bag etc.. It takes many days for this to happen and is just not practicable.

Feed your fish daily. The food should be gone in 1 – 2 minutes maximum. Any longer and you are overfeeding your fish and this will eventually lead to problems. Check the fish daily for signs of disease. Carryout your water changes and filter cleaning and you should have a healthy fish for many years to come.

Pop into our pet shop Gloucester for more specific advice on goldfish.

Pet shop Gloucester Christmas offers

Pet shop Gloucester Christmas offers!

Click on the link below for our wholesaler’s offers for this December.

We also have our own deals for this Chrstmas.  We still have existing running deals such as Whiskas cat treats for only £1, the last few Feelwell dog treats at 1/2 price, James Wellbeloved light and senior 2kg bags for £5.99, Hills Science Plan medium breed and large breed, puppy and adult  for only £29.99  many end of line items at a fraction of online prices and an ever increasing range of our own animal food and treats at much lower prices than other comparable brands.

We have also taken another 25% off our stock of Juwel tanks and stands. That’s on top of existing reductions.

Click below for the pet shop Gloucester offers

Best Pets Christmas offers

The Angell Pets Team

Pet shop Gloucester advice series – Catnip – what does it do?

Pet shop gloucester advice series. What does cat nip do to your cat?

Catnip is a member of the mint family (Nepeta cataria). It contains an essential oil called nepetalactone which appears to mimic opiates and produces an intoxicating effect, acting on some opioid receptors in the nervous system. In the wild it grows in hedgerows and on waste grassland and foxes and cats seek it out to roll in it. It is thought that one reason for this behaviour amongst predators is to mask their scent so they can approach prey more easily.

pet shop Gloucester catnip

Cat nip has varying effects in domestic cats. In 10% of cats it has no effect at all. This is believed to be a genetic trait to do with the sensitivity of the olfactory system (sense of smell). In most cats it has one of three effects. The majority of cats go into a sort of ecstasy, rolling around and exhibiting behaviour similar to female sexual behaviour. In others it seems to send them to sleep (it can do this to people too, although in others it has the reverse effect and acts as a stimulant!). In a minority of cats is can actually make them aggressive, so watch out.

Catnip is a useful tool to help reduce stress in cats by giving them a toy impregnated or filled with catnip to distract them on car journeys, in new environments etc. It can encourage the use of scratch posts and when used in conjunction with a repellent, protect a the furniture or carpet. (repellent on the furniture, cat nip on the scratch post).

So catnip stimulates a cats olfactory system to produce behaviour associated with feeding (chewing and sniffing), sex (rolling and rubbing) and hunting and play (pouncing and kicking). Outside, on wild catnip, all three types can be exhibited as prelude to a hunting mission. Inside it can be used as an artificial way of getting a cat to exhibit natural behaviours.

Register on our pet shop Gloucester email list for your 10% discount and regular advice and offer updates.


The Angell Pets Team