Pet Shop Gloucester March offers

Pet shop Gloucester offer sheet for March. Please CLICK BELOW for this months offers.

Best Pets March

To receive regular pet shop Gloucester updates register on the right and receive a 10% discount on everything.

Pet Shop Gloucester

The Angell Pets Team

Angell Pet dog food offer (and cat)

Angell Pet dog food has been rebranded. We now sell our own range of dog, cat, small animal, ferret and fish foods under the brand name APL (TM). The food is exactly the same, just branded with a new logo.

The new Angell pet logo APL looks very similar to our old one but without reference to Angell Pet. The whole Angell Pet branding is designed to look familiar to our existing customers but to remove any confusion with any other suppliers products. We don’t want anymore unfortunate customers trying to deal with another company confusing us with them. Angell Pets prides itself on good customer service and the rebranding is designed to help with that.

Angell Pet dog food

New APL branding

To use up the stock with the old brand labels on we are putting them on offer at 10% off, whilst stocks last. Any bags of any of our own brand food with the new logo obscuring the old is yours for 10% off. However you will need to act fast to take advantage of the Angell Pet offer. Our own brand food is very popular normally so will not hang around long at discounted prices.

Angell Pet dog food

10% off

Visit Angell Pets to get your reduced price bag of Angell pet own brand dog, cat, ferret, small animal or pond fish food. Once the old labels are gone they are back to the old excellent low prices.


Pet shop Gloucester February offers

A little bit late getting our pet shop Gloucester offers out this month. It’s a good list this month as well.

Click the link below to see our wholesalers fantastic offers. A lot of these are items that our customers buy regularly so will help keep down those bills.

Best Pets February

Register for our pet shop Gloucester discounts and receive regular updates on offers and handing information on animal care.

pet shop Gloucester

The Angell Pets team

Pet shop Gloucester sponsoring online photo show

Mitcheldean Mutts are holding an online photo show to raise money for a Kenyan Orphanage. We are sponsoring two of the classes ” Most unusual friend” and “most handsome dog”. I have the dubious honour of judging as well. Go to their Facebook page to enter your photo. Just a bit of fun in the name of a good cause.


The Angell Pets Team

Pet Shop Gloucester January Offers

We have some really great pet shop Gloucester offers from Best Pets this month.

Some of our most popular lines are at fantastic prices. Click the link below for the offers.

Best Pets January

 See you in our pet shop Gloucester soon and a happy new year

Pet shop Gloucester

The Angell Pets Team

Pets for Christmas? Pet shop Gloucester advice

We are a pet shop and we sell pets. We also care about their welfare, so what is our pet shop Gloucester stance on selling pets around Christmas time?

Should you buy pets for Christmas presents? On the face of it this is a no brainer. Pets are for life – not just for Christmas is a phrase that is parroted everywhere and in principal seems obvious. However the phrase is misused these days. What is meant by it is that the pet shouldn’t be bought as you would buy say, the latest trendy toy.

A child see’s a toy that comes on the market and remarks to his/her parent that that’s the one for them, they will be sooo good if only they could have one for Christmas. By the time they open the gift on Christmas morning the fascination has already gone, their friends have moved onto another model, they use it for a couple of days and you hardly ever see it again until you find it amongst all the other rubbish under the bed. If this is your reason for buying a pet at Christmas (or at any other time of year for that matter) just don’t. The amount of times I have had parents and kids in the shop and mum has left convinced that little johnny would do all the housework for the next twenty years if only he can have a rat/rabbit/snake/spider, he’s never wanted anything so much in his life. When we say we’ll see you next week and they return and when shown his favourite ever animal, little johnny says “Yeah great, can I have a look at…” whatever has now caught his fancy; mum realises her lucky escape. At Christmas parents are just as convinced that because they have been in the shop and their child has expressed the same level of interest, on Christmas morning they will still be as interested. Pets should not be bought at Christmas for these superficial reasons.

However a pet, the housing and all the correct equipment can be expensive. If a child and parent come in repeatedly throughout the year and the child (and the same is true for us big kids too) has retained their interest all year but the parent cannot afford to buy it now, in the middle of summer and then get something else at Christmas there is nothing wrong with delaying the purchase until then.

The important thing about buying a pet is what is informing the decision, not what time of year it is. Pets should never be purchased on a whim. So buying a pet for someone because you can’t think of anything else, because someone mentioned they “like” rabbits, because you are “sure” they will like it, is definitely wrong. You can put the jumper someone bought you in a drawer and forget it, you can’t do that with a pet. The person you bought it for is going to have to clean it, feed it, provide it with exercise, enrichment etc. Are you sure they will want or be able to in a few months (or years, or decades!). That should really be their decision, made in the cold light of day with all the information in front of them, not forced on them on Christmas morning. Also children (and a lot of adults I meet) are fickle. You have to be absolutely sure that they will fulfil their commitment and responsibility to the animal. This is best ascertained over a period of time, with repeated visits.

So the basic message is don’t buy a “surprise” present of an animal on a whim at any time of year. The chances of it being not wanted are too high. If you are convinced your recipient really wants a pet and has shown consistently they have the ability and the will to look after it properly over a period of time, you have done you research and know what you and/or they are taking on then don’t let others make you feel guitly about combining a purchase they really want with Christmas. It should really be “A pet is for life – not just for any particular day of the year”

Let us help you make that informed decision by informing you of everything you need to know about your chosen pet BEFORE you buy it. Pop in and see us in our pet shop Gloucester anytime to ask us anything you need to know.

The Angell Pets Team

Pet shop Gloucester Christmas offers

Pet shop Gloucester Christmas offers!

Click on the link below for our wholesaler’s offers for this December.

We also have our own deals for this Chrstmas.  We still have existing running deals such as Whiskas cat treats for only £1, the last few Feelwell dog treats at 1/2 price, James Wellbeloved light and senior 2kg bags for £5.99, Hills Science Plan medium breed and large breed, puppy and adult  for only £29.99  many end of line items at a fraction of online prices and an ever increasing range of our own animal food and treats at much lower prices than other comparable brands.

We have also taken another 25% off our stock of Juwel tanks and stands. That’s on top of existing reductions.

Click below for the pet shop Gloucester offers

Best Pets Christmas offers

The Angell Pets Team

Pet shop Gloucester Christmas Opening

The Christmas and new year opening hours of our pet shop Gloucester are as follows this year:-

  • Up to Monday 24th December normal hours (Mon – Sat 9am – 6pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm)
  • Christmas day CLOSED
  • Boxing day CLOSED (although I will be in for an hour or so at around 11 am to feed the animals if you get stuck)
  • 27th to 31st December normal hours
  • Tuesday 1st January CLOSED
  • Wednesday 2nd January onward normal hours

So our pet shop Gloucester is only fully closed for two days over the entire holiday period.

Pet shop Gloucester

As usual we are delivering (FREE locally) right up to Christmas eve night for those of you who wish to buy a present and leave it until last minute for delivery to keep it a surprise. If you wish to take advantage of this service do book early as I am not Santa on his sleigh and so can only do a limited number of deliveries in one night!


The Angell Pets Team

Pet shop Gloucester clearance lines

In our pet shop Gloucester today we have a number of lines we are discontinuing to make space for new stock.

These are on offer at fantastic prices but are limited in numbers. If you want to take advantage of these great offers get in to the pet shop Gloucester quickly before they all go.

Some of the offers included are Dogmatic head collars sizes 5 to 8 for ONLY £4.99

pet shop Gloucester

(Amazon price £19.99 +), selected  Trixie hutches and runs at 25% off, T-Rex backgrounds 50% off our already  low offer prices, 50% off selected dog toys (more added to existing offer range), 25% off selected dog coats (Outhwaite, Pennine etc) plus many more exiting offers in store now. We are not restocking with these items so once they are gone they are gone.

Come to the pet shop Gloucester now to grab your bargain.


The Angell Pets Team

Pet shop Gloucester September offers

Pet shop Gloucester September Wholesaler Offer

We have a new batch of offers from our wholesaler for this month. Some fantastic savings to be had, making us cheaper than the supermarkets for some products and also offers on products you cannot get from “those places”..

CLICK BELOW for the latest offer sheet.

Best Pets September offers

Hurry in to the store to get your offers because, whilst they are for the entire month of September, the popular items sell out quickly and will take at least a week to replace.

The pet shop Gloucester Angell Pets Team